Living Worshipfully

Scripturally rich lives produce fruit according to God’s own Will. Our focus as a Church is to purposefully place scripture at the center of everything we do. If we cannot answer the question, how does this Glorify God according to His word” we should not be doing it.

At the level of every individual believer, that means every interaction with First Reformed Church should provide insight into Scripture. Our lives then, outside the gathered church, are more worshipful as our church experience is anchored in The Word of God. That said, how do we as individual believers reflect this mooring in the Word? Answering this question brings us closer to living worshipfully.

We proclaim God’s goodness in all aspects of life. If you have a job, proclaim God’s goodness as you work. Here are a few statements that can help you purposefully do that:

  • “last week at church we…”
  • “with some friends from church I…”

These purposeful statements sprinkled throughout your day set a baseline for who you are, causally invite others to talk with you about Church and easily identify you with Christ.

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